Great iPad games this holiday season
So you’ve just got a shiny new iPad, you’ve quickly installed the must have apps like Facebook, Twitter and you’re ready to binge the latest Netflix show but, what about some games? The iPad has gone largely unnoticed as a handheld games console and that really is a shame, because you know what? It’s really good! I’ve always been of the mindset that gaming should be left to consoles and PC’s, but as iPad gets more powerful and the games get bigger and better, it’s not only a games console now but, one of the most popular ones too.
We’re keen gamers here at KRCS, and we thought we’d share some of the games we’re really hooked on at the moment.
Monument Valley
Monument Valley is now a household name in the iOS gaming world. This award winning game offers beautiful isometric worlds with buildings, stairs, lifts and doors. Simply by tapping the screen you can move Ida, (the character in the game) that is until she comes across an obstacle. It’s up to you to manipulate the M.C Escher inspired environment, by operating screws and hoists in order for her to advance. The continued success of the game has lead to a sequel, Monument Valley 2. Watch as we work our way through a couple of levels.
Price: £3.99
Coming from consoles, Limbo will be no stranger to the gamers amongst you. However this time it’s in the palm of your hand. Limbo doesn’t have any text, dialogue or even an explanation, yet still manages to be casual, fun, and at times, horrifyingly scary. You’re thrown into a forest where you take control of a young boy, having no indication of who you are or how you got there. It’s then your task to travel through the forest, fighting off large creatures, tackling obstacles or simply sliding your way down a hill. I do have one small qualm with the game though, and that is the sensitive touch controls. A number of times I found myself jumping into a chasm of doom. So I would suggest a controller if you want to avoid rage quitting.
Price: £3.99
Lineage 2
The largest and arguably most popular in the list is Lineage 2. An MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) that combines, brilliant graphics, easy to navigate menus and a wealth of tasks to complete, all whilst being open world and completely online. The game starts like many MMORPG’s, where you create a character from a selection of classes, you’re then thrown into a beginners area. There you complete a number of tasks, that give you valuable XP to progress further in the game. The only issue with the game is also a positive one, it’s popularity. It can take a while to log on to the server. If you’re on the fence about this game, download it, it’s free and the game offers you more than enough loot to get invested in the world.
Price: Free (Offers in app purchases)
Where’s My Water? 2
Where’s My Water? 2 is the lightest among the list but I think, the most addictive. Although the game is targeted at a younger audience, that doesn’t mean it’s not fun for the older ones among us. If you’ve played the first game, then you will instantly recognise the fundamentals. However, for those of you who haven’t, the aim of each level is relatively straight forward, get the water to the bathtub. Simple right? Well not as much as you’d think. Bombs, weeds, and acid are constantly trying to stop your flow of water, it’s up to you to manoeuvre your way to the bathtub. Watch below as we tackle a challenging level.
Price: £1.99
This is just a small selection of games available on the app store. There are hundreds more to be played. With updates coming to iOS and the iPad’s themselves, there’s no doubt we’ll see more great games released soon.
Have you been playing a game we haven’t mentioned? Let us know in the comments below or get in touch via Twitter!
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